
Salt and sanctuary xbox download
Salt and sanctuary xbox download

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Online Co-op (PS4 - Host's Characters Only Method) * Note: Unless the sellsword's save file is returned to its original owner upon completing play, the sellsword will not gain any progress made while playing co-op with the host on their own computer. Save data can be found at the following location : steam\steamapps\common\salt\savedata This will allow the sellsword to use their original character. However, if the sellsword is able to copy their save file ahead of time and give it to the host, the host can implant it in their savedata folder. If an online summoned sellsword owns Salt and Sanctuary, they will not be able to use a character file from their saved games, only the host's list of characters. When in-game, follow the "Local Co-Op" information above, as the process is exactly the same. The summoned player does not need to own Salt and Sanctuary in order to play with the host. The host must be Friends with the summoned player, and will invite the summoned player to their game via the "Remote Play Together" option found in the Friends List.

Salt and sanctuary xbox download