Please check out our release notes for more information. You should see "native extensions" messages and no errors. JRuby Latest release - tar zip exe exe (圆4) JRuby Downloads Current Release: JRuby JRuby is our point release of our Ruby 3.1.x support. Verify your DevKit installation with gem install json -platform=ruby. Ruby version 2.5.0 or higher, including all development headers (check your. Run dk.rb init and dk.rb review again to verify. Jekyll is a Ruby Gem that can be installed on most systems. If you get an error about an invalid _config.yaml, which you should if you're running the above version(s), make the changes described in this StackOverflow answer. Run dk.rb review to validate the _config.yaml file. Run dk.rb init to generate a _config.yaml file we'll use in a bit. Open a command prompt within the DevKit folder you created in the previous step. This should be the permanent location for the DevKit, not a temporary extraction folder. If SSL error, update Ruby certs per SSL upgrades on and RubyInstaller versions.ĭownload the Ruby 2.1 version of the DevKit from the RubyInstaller Downloads page.Įxtract the files to a local folder without spaces. Run gem install to verify you can install gems. Run ruby -v to verify command line access and version. Do NOT include whitespaces in the destination folder.

If Ruby is not installed, then download an installation package from. Install Ruby 2.1.5 for Windows (圆4) from . Ruby on Rails Installation - To develop a web application using Ruby on Rails.